Category: Gay and Lesbian

Palin: Obama ‘very tone deaf’ with vacation

“Asked if he should go, Palin responded ‘I wouldn’t if I were he, especially to Martha’s Vineyard,’ and added, ‘I think he will hear from enough Americans that he will come back early.'”

“Spending time with your family will strengthen relationships and build memories. Shared activities, whether working together on a project or taking a vacation trip, are key to a lifetime of family closeness.”

So let me understand this fully: President Obama, who has young children, shouldn’t take a needed family vacation right now to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts because he should neglect his familial role as father for the debt problem, when, according to Christian organization Focus On The Family says that taking a vacation trip is key to a lifetime of family closeness. So which is it? Focus On The Family, which promotes Christian values, advocates taking your children on vacation for family closeness or Palin, who clearly supports Christian conservative familial values, telling him he shouldn’t go especially there to Martha’s Vineyard because he’s got work to do. That isn’t exactly promoting familial values and closeness when you say to a father, “No time with your kids, buddy, get to work.” The man has worked enough, he deserves some time with his kids and wife who obviously need him. The entire Tea Party is dunking their bags for vacation getaways, too, as the summer rolls down into the school year for school aged children.

“He will likely miss the place: According to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller, today’s trip marks Mr. Bush’s 149th visit to the presidential retreat. The planned three-day stay, during which the president is being joined by family and former and current aides, will bring his total time spent at Camp David to all or part of 487 days.”

“But getting back to her suggestion that following Bush’s example would save taxpayer money. President Bush took 149 trips to Camp David, 77 visits to his Crawford ranch, and 11 trips to his father’s Kennebunkport mansion. Since Air Force One reportedly cost $56,800 per hour to operate in 2004 (which Bush used to get to Crawford), and the plane can travel up to 630 miles per hour, it cost at least $259,657 to get the 2,880 miles to Crawford and back, each time Bush went, or roughly $20 million dollars just for taking the plane on the Crawford trips alone. Add in the cost of putting up Secret Service and other staff for the ranch trips, as well as the Kennebunkport and Camp David trips, and you get, well, a lot.”

Former President Bush, who took a lot of vacations, spent more on his trips than President Obama. So the Poster Boy for the Christian conservatives spent far more money on vacations than the Obama family did, yet Obama is the one criticized for taking a family vacation to–gasp!–Martha’s Vineyard. Where, according to conservative Christian Focus On The Family, vacations are necessary to build family closeness. Can you say “hypocritical”? I knew you could! It seems like the conservative Christian movement has picked on President Obama since his very first day in office; from “birther” claims to much need vacation time to his opinion that people should be given equal rights under the law. To me, it seems like another bout of Damn Obama and his little kids, too. Yes, let’s crush the family values of a “liberal”, for the country needs him more than his kids and wife do. No family time for you Obama, because you’re evil. Well hell, let me place that personal ad:

WANTED: Female between the ages of 14-21, must like climbing and heat, must be intact virgin, for sacrifice to the volcano to stop the evil homosexual onslaught. EOE.

The latest insult meant to tear down enemies in the vocabulary of people who struggle to retain their bigotry is the word “Nazi”. It is thrown around willy-nilly, used to insult and hurt, and it is used to categorize any enemy in which one group of people or singular people wish to remain superior over. It is an ugly word. It is meant to instill fear. Once “Nazi” is used, inaccurate comparisons are often made to “Hitler” usually heavily laden with misinformation about him being an atheist. However, the word “Nazi” is the focus of this post. The reality of what Nazis are and were is also going to be brought to light.

What is a Nazi? The word Nazi comes from the first syllables of the German socialist party name “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei” which means in general: National Socialist German Workers’ Party. It was NOT created by Adolf Hitler, but instead it was created by Anton Drexler. The party’s early mechanism was to foil communist uprisings in Germany after World War I, also called The Great War. Naziism supported the superiority of the Aryan race, depending on racial purity to solve the issues with the nation. Therefore they sought to exterminate “degenerate” and those who proved to be “averse or asocial” such as: Jews, homosexuals, Romani (gypsies), blacks, the physically and mentally handicapped, Jehovah’s Witnesses and political opponents.

Nazism promoted an economic “Third Position”; a kind of managed economy that was neither capitalist nor communist. It officially promoted a form of right-wing socialism. This economic system that did not support equality and instead supported a tier type of economy with classes based on merit and talent, retaining private property, and promoted the creation of national solidarity; one that did not have class distinction, but did have economic status distinction. The economy was secondary to the needs of the Nazi party. It was to provide to members of the Aryan race: economic security, a fair wage, honor for workers’ importance, and prevent capitalism from mucking the whole thing up.

The Nazi party pushed strongly for rule that would protect the Aryan race and be dominated by one person, the Fuhrer. Adolf Hitler became the Fuhrer, disposing of the left wing followers of Naziism called Strasserites and set in place his belief that democracy supported liberals and minorities voices in politics, which he found to directly endanger the Aryan race. His book, Mein Kampf, was a letter of intent as well as a biography. Naziism is a kind of fascism. The Nazi party embraced Martin Luther’s ideal written about in the treatise titled: “On The Jews and Their Lies” written in 1530. Thus began the Holocaust which laid in secret until the invasion of Germany in World War II.

Calling gays “Nazis” is a huge misnomer. If any LBGT person was actually a “Nazi”, they would be vehemently against themselves. It makes no sense. However, the people calling gays “Nazis” do it as an insult, comparing them to to fascists that destroy their “critics” and label anyone who is not standing toe to the line with their ideals as the enemy. First, the term “Nazi” is overused right now by people wishing to insult and depose of their own enemies. So, really, that’s the pot calling the kettle black. Second, the term is used so loosely taking on a meaning that is alien to what a Nazi really is. It’s the American way of “cherry picking” definitions of things to mean what they want them to mean, changing real definitions and making up new ones as they go along. It’s what we are used to doing, we do it with everything. From the bible to the Constitution, people who want things to remain “traditional, purist Christian” do it to twist anything they can into a prop for serving their “morals, values and ideals” “cherry picked” from their religious text. When they call someone a “Nazi”, they are pointing out that they too want to depose their enemies and take over. It is the pot calling the kettle black.

Pot: You’re black.
Kettle: Yes, but I am a sleaker, purer, shinier black than you are which makes me superior to you.

Evolution of ideas, values, and morals began when humans were little more than clans seeking to survive. The morals of the clan, prehistoric clans mind you, were steeped in necessity to survive and common sense. The need of survival was hindered by murder and theft, since the needs of the clan as a group supported surviving as a group. Moralistic gauges were born then, out of necessity, not out of the “word of god”. Religion, as a probability, developed as a means to control large masses of people, define the unexplainable at that time, and populate the world so that the religion would live on and gain in control and status. If we subtract the religious texts of the religious, morals are the backbone of survival of the people as a unit. The morals integrated by religion were in fact natural morals used since clan times with new, religious ones added. At the time, these morals that surrounded procreation were designed by religions to weed out anyone that was not producing babies to make new religious people that would ensure the religion’s survival. The switch from clan survival to religious survival came about as a means to conquer and control. Religion was a necessity because it created a comfortable reality of absurd explanations for what they could not explain. (Such as: why do women get a period became the story of a talking snake and a tree who’s fruit produced the knowledge of right and wrong. It’s like the “Addams Family” movie when the little girl finishes her explanation of where babies come from, Wednesday says: “They had sex.”)

The definition of Nazi to some Americans falls short of the actual reality of the Nazi party and it’s terrible crime against people of color, gypsies, Jews, homosexuals and any dissenter among them. The term “Nazi” remains an insult, a demeaning way of subjugating opponents, and is used to describe those who dissent a particular group of people. It is incomparable to associate this type of group with a group as destructive to freedom and equality between all people as the Nazis actually were. Perhaps, the stark reality of the Holocaust alludes them; preventing the logical part of the mind from associating Nazi with the Holocaust. There are Nazis still around who believe that Aryans are the master race, that Hitler was right, and that all other people and people who disagree with them deserve an alternative fate that may not include death, but certainly includes prejudice. Perhaps a lesson from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. or their website might bring to light how no one who opposes you or demands rights and equality or calls you a bigot is equal to being a Nazi in any definition however “cherry picked”, twisted and manipulated.

“Breaking news from Andrea Siegel: A teenager whose beating of a transgender woman at a Rosedale McDonald’s was captured on a video that went viral online pleaded guilty Thursday to the attack. Teonna Monae Brown, 19, pleaded guilty in a Baltimore County courtroom to one court of first-degree assault and one count of a hate crime in the attack on Chrissy Polis, 22, said Baltimore County State’s Attorney Scott Shellenberger. The April attack brought attention nationwide to the plight of transgender people, with thousands signing online petitions and holding rallies. Prosecutors expect to seek a prison term of five years when Brown is sentenced next month. The girl who was charged as a juvenile in the same attack admitted her role in juvenile court on July 1 and was committed to a locked facility, Shellenberger said.” (Video has language not appropriate for viewers at work.)

When I first watched this video, and some others like it, I decided that I would not eat at a McDonald’s anymore. The deplorable treatment by the employees who stood around recording the beating and the seizures caused by the beating, doing very little to stop it is intolerable and heartless. The firing of the employee that recorded the beating, and told the beaters to “leave before the cops get here”, was justified and the right thing to do. Will it save them from my boycott? Not even a little bit. Why? The behavior of the McDonald’s other employees in the video and standing around watching what was going is intolerable, along with the weak attempts by the manager to stop the beating. I find it completely wrong that McDonald’s did not willingly release a statement until long after the video went viral. I am no longer able to find it in my heart to forgive McDonald’s for their poor response time or the treatment by employees to the woman while she was being brutally attacked. Unforgivable. Totally unforgivable. Both beaters should be given the maximum sentance

The demonstrations that occurred in support of the victim, Ms. Chrissy Lee Polis, were commendable. The fact that other employees were not fired as they were heard laughing in the video is also unforgivable. The fact that charges for a hate crime were not filed in both cases of both attackers is telling; the Maryland prosecutor is obviously oblivious to the hateful nature of this attack, the inactivity of employees to stop the beating, and the fact that it was overly “hilarious” to them makes for a pretty tidy case. While I am not a lawyer, there are more than two collaborators in this assault, like half the employees simply watching and laughing and one of them taking video of the whole thing. McDonald’s fires the person who videoed the beating, but did nothing about the rest of the employees. Ms. Polis should sue for restitution, too; against all the people involved. It proves that women, whether transgender or not, are not respected by the company and the rights of this woman to have to peace are not as important as the need to have someone flipping burgers, slinging fries, or taking orders. One person paid for wrongdoing when others should have been fired, too. Intolerable. Totally intolerable.

While I strongly dislike the term “transgender”, I will say that we all need to stand by our brothers and sisters who are suffering at the hands of bigots and hateful people a little more commonly. While I dislike the term “transvestite”, we need to stand by our Kings and Queens a little more commonly, too. We are all a part of a community that is oppressed, tyrannically ostracized, and denied equal rights because we don’t fit into the box that has been built by people who think we are “sinning” and “unnatural”. We need to seriously stick together here people, really. We need to stand up for the rights of our own people and support them in their endeavors to be treated equally because we are all sharing the same goal. If we don’t, our community breaks down and we will fail at our attempts to be a unified front. Let’s get it together people and start standing up for all of our rights, not the select few.

Mass walk-out at trans woman’s funeral

At the funeral of a transgender female named Lashai Mclean, a reverend continuously called her a “he” and said that she was killed so people could be saved.  Lashai was shot to death in Washington, DC.  Her funeral was held on July 27, 2011.  Many people shouted “she” when the reverend said “he”.  The reverend also called Lashai “Myles” in his comments via phone to the Washington Blade.  A significant amount of friends of Lashai attending the funeral walked out as the preacher was preaching.  The reverend defended his remarks and upheld the ideal that “sin is sin is sin”, saying that “Myles” made “a choice”, a common perception of bigotry rampant in Christian extremism and fundamentalism.  The reverend, A. W. Montgomery, Jr., was appointed to preside over the eulogy because some family members had ties or belonged to his church,  Agape Missionary Baptist Church in Suitland, Md.  The Maryland church was too small to hold the more than 300 people showing up, so it was held at a larger church in D.C. called Purity Baptist Church.  The reverend of the church asked Montgomery, Jr. to preside at the service.  The welcoming remarks were delivered by Purity Baptist Church reverend Robin Toogood.  Two transgender activists with Transgender Health Empowerment, Earline Budd and Jeri Hughes, mentioned that the family struggled with Lashai’s being transgender and asked specifically asked Montgomery, Jr. to deliver the eulogy. “I wasn’t particularly offended, even though I didn’t agree with him,” Hughes said of Montgomery. “He was talking about what preachers talk about – sin and all of that. He’s just being a preacher.”

It is especially sad when someone dies in a violent manner, such as being shot.  It is even more sad that that person is a transgender woman.  It is terribly tragic that people, using the eulogy at their relative’s funeral, to preach to people about being transgender and utter bigotry toward them.  It is demeaning, but it’s also arrogant to assert your twisted and obsolete morality dictated by an outdated book on people who are experiencing a deep sense of loss of their friend.  To use a funeral to preach to people is not only disrespectful, but it really “negates” the struggle that people who are experiencing gender identity issues by calling it a choice.   I do have transgender friends and family who have made it through the transgender struggle to become happy in their lives as the gender they needed to be.  I don’t consider them “transgender” people, either.  To me, after and during their struggle to change and the change itself, I consider them men and women.  The state of their birth was wrong and it is made right by their current gender.

I feel we do need to be “particularly offended” by opinions expressed by bigotry in any form, not especially “preachers”.  No bigotry should be tolerated because someone is a spiritual leader doing what he or she thinks should be done.  I don’t differentiate between gay, lesbian, bisexual, and “transgender” bigotry and racial and gender bigotry.  They are equally terrible and intolerable.   The bigotry manufactured by a manipulative church is also intolerable.  Denominations that cannot evolve into the modern times because of their outdated and obsolete ministries’ doctrines argue solely for their own limitations.  These people live in a world where everything is defined by their leaders, or by scripture, or by moralistic values that make no logical sense; sometimes a dose of each.  Scientific fact is ignored for the dogma, creating an insular box against new and real ideas and values that are logical and steeped in common sense.  It’s all dictated by fear of hell and damnation, all the while manipulating their minds to function inside that box they have created.  That insular box is what they want to put us all in, so they can manipulate us too because that is what they have been doing for generations and generations.  They have done that for thousands of years and have even been violent about it in their past as evidenced by the Inquisition right along to the “Witch” Trials in early America.  No matter what proofs come their way that completely destroy their beliefs that it’s a “lifestyle” and “choice”, they fight against it by pointing to a book most of them haven’t thoroughly read.  They continue to struggle for their limitations, unable to use common sense or logical reasoning to come to a real and tangible conclusion.

Then there are the faiths out there that are welcoming to gays, lesbians, bisexuals, “transgenders”, and questioning people who are all shaking their heads at the illogical morality of people who claim to be their counterparts.  Many church denominations, widely Episcopal and Unitarian Universalist church although some are other denominations, have removed the shackles of force-fed morality and embraced their diverse congregations.  Some have gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning people as their spiritual leaders who do a good job of evolving dogma into an acceptable and logical foundation.  These are the people most heartily attacked by extremist, conservatives, and fundamentalists are those of faith who have evolved.  To them, the first amendment only applies to their dogma and no one else’s; creating a kind of elitism that flies in the face of the freedom of religion and the freedom from religion.  The person or people who attack imagined enemies are dangerous because they flail their supposed, obsolete morality upon people who are evolving to find their way among open-minded, evolved religion that is satisfying to them.  There are many religions that do this in many different countries, too.  There is a real struggle going on between people of faith who are extremist, conservative and/or fundamentalist and those that seek the “enlightenment” of the newest century.  One side cheats to win while the other side evolves in leaps and bounds.  It’s all very telling: the mindset that my religion is right and yours is wrong is disappearing from modern church congregations and their leaders.  The conservatives, extremists, and/or fundamentalists are fighting to regain control over everyone that they can.  It’s a “battle” that they are losing because change to them is very frightening, evolution of spiritual dogma is becoming commonplace, and the hold they had on many people is eroding.

My heart goes out to the people who attended Lashai’s funeral and had to endure such intolerance and bigotry.  I am appalled by this reverend’s lack of respect for people who live outside his small-minded morality.  It is sad that they had to endure that after enduring the untimely death of a beloved friend.  One day, the identity of male and female will no longer be oppressed by those arguing for their limitations according to a book, text, or imposed obsolete morality.  I hope that one day it will not matter if you are woman or a man at birth.  I hope one day all people will be equal no matter what their gender is or who they love.  That day is coming, albeit slow, but it is coming.  Our rights will no longer be alienated in the name of a religion.  Celebrating differences will be common, and all people will see that pressing morality upon people doesn’t work and is not supported by the majority.   The right to live in peace and harmony with one another will be more important than anything else.  When that day comes, it will be a celebrated day.

“With those awards, a message was sent: Mock addiction, create a rallying cry for those in its grip, blow your life up in every aspect other than financial success and name recognition, and you will be rewarded with the industry’s gold medals.”

Click to access 070111_Sheldon_Charisma_PlanForGayDomiNation.pdf

“From kindergartens to city councils to churches to the Supreme Court, the mainstreaming of homosexuality has reshaped everything in America. And one of the most powerful vehicles by which the gay agenda has accomplished this is media. The first television network program to feature a homosexual character in an ongoing role was the soap opera One Life to Live in 1992. By 1999, there were 25 sitcoms or daytime dramas with homosexual characters. Without exception, these characters were portrayed as witty, clever, lovable and just a little quirky.”


Are Americans that gullible that our media, in this instance it’s music, tell us what to do and think?  Does winning an award for a song that boots rehab in the ass really tell people it’s okay to be on drugs?  Really?  Does media tell us it’s okay to be gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, too?  Does it all influence us subliminally as suggested by so many people?

There are great number of media outlets that are blamed for influencing people.  From video games to TV to the “Liberal Media”, fingers have been pointed that it affects people somehow.  It makes violence, homosexuality, drugs, drinking, cussing, premarital sex, teen pregnancy and (fill in the blank) “acceptable” to it’s viewers because it is presented “positively” by characters who are “quirky” and “lovable”.

I have such a problem accepting this analogy.  I have a problem with it because it’s not logical, rational or in any way reasonable.  I don’t believe some kid playing a video game that is violent is going to think it’s okay to mow people down with an automatic rifle.  I don’t believe that a song about rehab winning an award tells people that it’s okay to to do drugs and not go to rehab.  I certainly don’t believe that it affects if someone is going to accept a “homosexual” easier than they would a heterosexual.  The notion is simply ridiculous.

I think internet postings, like the two I quoted here, are more dangerous to people than anyone else:

“There is a soft drink company, believe it may be Pepsi, that is using aborted baby cells to flavor pop. When you think they have hit bottom..look out..the bottom is still a ways to go”

The frightening reality of this quote on this website is that someone is going to read that and be gullible enough to believe it.  So media does affect Americans, because there are people out there geared to believe everything they read as gospel because that is what their parents and culture has taught them to do.  They are, sadly, an ignorant majority of people in fundamentalist and/or extremist religious circles.

It happened to the company Procter and Gamble in the 1980’s when these circles passed information to each other that the company was “evil” or “satanic” because of their company’s logo (a crescent moon and stars). You can look it up yourself at and see what damage can be done.  The following website instructs to boycott the company because of animal testing: and lists companies that don’t hurt animals.  It is written in a sensational manner because more people read sensational stories.

What’s really sad is that there is nothing you can do about it.  Inflaming the reader is what is done to draw these types of people to believe that crap.  It is the information age and it’s easier to investigate the truth of the matter by Googling the subject.  Many people do it and set themselves free by freeing their mind, because you just can’t prove something at face value.  More people are coming around to depending on for busting the move of idiots all over the internet.

There are a bunch of YouTube videos and other websites that provide information to keep the gullible from being gullible.  Even such controversial subjects, like the Church of Scientology vs the Independent Scientology movement, can be debunked with plenty of patient research on the subject by Googling.  Controversial subjects like homosexual marriage equality vs “traditional one man one woman” marriages can be explored on the internet.  The question of god can be Googled.

There is a wealth of information out there.  The real difference between the gullible and the logical masses are who is more willing to dig for the truth and understand that many things out there do come with an ulterior motive.  The religious extremists struggle to regain control of their masses by sharing bigotry and manipulating them with obsolete “book learned” morality.  Media that covers the debt problem in America inflame by fear-mongering people into thinking the elite rich aren’t the only people who will have a tax increase.  Making informed decisions is a reasonable, logical, sensible and responsible way to make decisions on what subjects might be true or which subjects are just littered with rumor, falsehoods and downright lies, misquotes, editing to make something appear to be something it’s not, inflammatory statements, and the list can go on.  It’s up to you to make the informed decision what to believe or not and as I have said many, many, many times in my life:

Argue for your limitations and they are yours.

Click to access 070111_Sheldon_Charisma_PlanForGayDomiNation.pdf

I read this PDF and was subsequently appalled.  Then I realized something.  Something that maybe kept my blood pressure down, but it really made me see something extraordinary.

Religions manipulate their followers using 3 things.

  1. Fear: Fear of the unknown, evil, hell, the paranormal, possession, angels, demons, and punishment that will last forever whether it is in the media, using hell, manufacturing lies to defame or deface people who are able to use free thought, independent thought, and wake up to the manipulation of religion and speak out against it.
  2. Tenets: Tenets that are pulled from archaic texts such as the Bible, the Qur’an, the Bhagavad Gita and the Mahaburita, the Torah, Talmud, Kabballah, and other texts that are related to it.  Tenets can also be determined by a guru and newer written texts as well as word of mouth traditions steeped in mechanisms that create a restrictive, intolerable, elitist mindset or causes a culture that is intolerable, insular, and rigid in restrictions of dress, speech, and behavior.
  3. Societal pressures to comply with the tenets using excommunication, disconnection from family and friends who do not subscribe to the tenets, discrimination, bigotry, inflexible traditions that do not grow with the modern world around them, insular culture, elitist culture, manufacturing a sinful or suppressive societal group and/or specific people and places, and prejudice manufactured by the leaders of the group.

If you look at the PDF, it touches on every push button that religion uses to manipulate and control its masses.  It uses words to force people who are fearful of change or modernization or the unknown to make the conclusion that a group of people are putting them at risk. It manipulates fear in them that homosexuals are a threat to their very lives and are responsible for some diseases.  It uses the manipulation of tenets, from archaic texts that are inflexible to becoming modern to point out who the bad people are.  It uses societal manipulation to promote the insular, discriminative nature of the group to rise up against those they consider to be enemies.  The real problem here is that the enemies and evil culture of death and destruction is completely manufactured by their delusions.

Religion is the murderer of free and independent thought.  One sacrifices the ability to do both when they are indoctrinated as children, which is nothing less than child abuse.  If they are not indoctrinated then, they chose to relinquish it later in life to exchange it for delusional surreality that makes little to no logical sense.  C’mon people, a talking snake in a garden of indescribable beauty convinces a woman to eat the fruit that has the power to give her knowledge between good and evil that grows on what tree…the one tree that “god” said not to eat from.  Really?

I am probably going to hear about how I, the terrible atheist, infernally pick on Christians.  You’re right.  I’m picking on them because they are the ones that have it out for me, have called me evil and perverted, and have taught their children–who don’t have the right to decide for themselves what is right and wrong–that I am evil, perverted and/or horrible because I’m a lesbian.  You are handing them the fruit that distorts what is really good and what is really evil.

No Buddhist has done that to me.  No Wiccan, Pagan, Witch, or New Ager has ever, ever told me that I was evil, perverted, or sick.  The Independent Scientologists welcomed me with open arms, as a matter of fact, they respect me and my opinions when I respond to posts within their forums.  I know a man who is Vodoun that loves me like a sister.  It’s extremist, fundamentalist Christians, Muslims, and Jews that want me to die, die in a fire.  So, it all actuality, they are asking for it.  Discrimination is discrimination no matter how you pump it up, paint it up, and spice it.  Lipstick on a pig is still a pig, and aren’t you people not supposed to eat them?  Those who are with you are not against you, but I bet you missed that part of your holy text.

This whole entire PDF is full of lies, half-truths, manipulations, bigotry and ridiculousness that enables extremist Christians to stand on their soap box.  Once there, they wail on about how wronged they are, how America is a Christian nation, how they need to retake control of the wheel.  When they were in the driver’s seat, we all suffer underneath the yolk of their oppression.  One step forward is two steps backward.  Trillions of dollars in deficit.  Delusions, deceptions, and outright lies abound about anyone who opposes them.  How long before the next witch hunt?  It’s happening now, just no one is burning.  We are losing our rights which are supposed to be inalienable.

Look at the Treaty of Tripoli, enacted in 1797.  We are not founded as a Christian nation.  It’s a lie.  It’s more manipulation against the inevitable: Joining the world in the twenty first century.  It’s not going to happen with the Christians at the wheel, spouting hatred, bigotry and discrimination in the name of a god that doesn’t exist.

Interesting Times

Interestingly enough, if you scroll down to the second post, you will notice some postings saying that homosexuality is immoral, perverted, and twisted.  Of course, this is coming on the heels of the overthrow of Prop 8, a elected law that makes homosexual marriage illegal that was overthrown because it is unconstitutional.  So, I want to talk about that.

The constitution, considering you have read it, says that everyone is entitled to the pursuit of happiness.  Everyone.  Not just religious people, but everyone.  I suggest you read the constitution and get back to me with any questions you might have.  Really, reading it should be mandatory.

I understand people who might think that homosexuality is a perversion.  Often people fear that which they do not understand.  Homosexuals are not perverted.  Nothing about loving another person is perverted.  If two people love each other, what is that doing to you?  Homosexuals are also not out to destroy marriage.  We simply want the right to commit ourselves to each other and have the rights to marriage that everyone else has.

What if you went to see the person you loved in the hospital, being very ill and possibly near death, and you were not permitted to see them?  What if you and the person you loved own a house together and the person you love dies.  You are forced to deal with the family of the one who died who gives you no rights to the house you paid for.  What if you found you and the person you loved were in a car accident and the person you loved was not allowed to ride in the ambulance with you?  What if the one that you loved wanted to dedicate the rest of his or her life with you, share expenses, and get no taxation break because of who you are?

Homosexuals are not trying to turn marriage into something it’s not.  We are trying for fairness that is paid to every other person in America.  We want the right to see our loved one in the hospital, get half the house we paid for, have our expenses taxed fairly, and have the same rights as any other person does when they are considered to be a spouse.

We want the right to love who we want and be a part of their lives legally.  We have that right to pursue our happiness afforded to us by the United States Constitution.  It is illegal to deny us our rights.  It is wrong to.  People are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered; get over it.

Okay, it’s been a while since I posted, but I figured I should get on it.  Sorry for the delay.

I want to congratulate California on the overturning of Prop 8.  It is unconstitutional that everyone else gets to enjoy the rights of marriage unless you are gay or lesbian.  But what does it mean to you?

It should mean something very profound.  It should mean something very important.  It should mean an end to inequality.  It should mean that everyone, including gays and lesbians, have the right to love, marry, and share the benefits of that marriage just like everyone else.

Instead to some, it means that other “perversions” will be made legal.  For example, bestiality is the standard fill-in-the-blank for perversions to be next made legal.  This is the exact same mindset that held African Americans back before the legality of their rights.  This is the exact same mindset that made them lesser humans.  This is the exact mindset that prevented a white woman from loving a black man, or even worse by some twisted standards that a white woman is prevented from loving a black woman.  Same goes for Hispanics.  Same goes for anyone “different” in the eyes of what was then, and sometimes now, the white mindset.  Only this time, lesbians and gays are the ones being discriminated against.  It’s not fair is it?

Even then to some it is fair.  Why, according to most of faith, should homosexuals (who are sinning in the eyes of a manufactured god) be allowed to marry when that imaginary god clearly says it’s wrong in some obscure book written by people who wanted to control the masses?  Because love is love.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, love is love.  Whether it’s a man and a man or a woman and a woman or a man and a woman, the love is exactly the same.  It is exactly the same, folks.  Just because I love my wife, who is as womanly as I am, doesn’t make our love a perversion.  It doesn’t make us less than human.  It does not hurt you.  It does not walk in on your marriage bed with your heterosexual relationship with head lamps on telling you which way to bend your wife or husband for the maximum pleasure.  We are not hurting you.  We are not lessening the meaning of marriage.  We understand that marriage is a pledge to love someone for the rest of our lives, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, be faithful, and love each other in dedication until death do we part.  We enter into that vow knowing full well what we’ve committed to.

Just like heterosexuals.

Which leads me to the “and you” part of my title.  There really shouldn’t be an “and you” because what happens in my life is none of your business.  I don’t care what faith you tout in my face or what god you say says that homosexuality is a sin.  That little tidbit was added for the express right of the religion to continue propagating.  That’s right.  That was added in the holy book for the express reason that if homosexuals go on unchecked, that is one man or woman that isn’t producing more little theists for the grinder.

If you don’t like gay or lesbian marriage, then don’t get one.

Easy solution.